Friday, October 03, 2008

love the goofs

Today's theme on eklektikos: world smile day. this at the end of a cowboy song made me smile:

well done
hot dog bun
my sister's a nun

- John Prine's "Illegal Smile"

Joined the group on flickr. Hope I get a serious compact soon. Very soon.

new YACHT shirt (idea)

The School of Life.
I've run across this website and wasn't sure what to think about this so-called school. All Saints (my old church) was intrigued and wrote an exploratory blog post about it. Fascinating! And man, how is Gate Davis so in the know? Can't wait to read what Greg's dialogue.

Alain de Botton (from The School of Life) interview in Monocle about what's right and wrong about urban development. "There can be genius in the ordinary, and mediocrity in the extraordinary."

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